


1. 牛黄:牛黄具有清热解毒、凉血消肿的作用,对于胃火旺盛、口腔溃疡等症状有显著的疗效。

2. 黄连:黄连味苦性寒,具有清热燥湿、泻火解毒的功效,适用于胃火旺盛、口苦口干等症状。

3. 黄芩:黄芩味苦性寒,具有清热解毒、凉血止血的作用,对于胃热、口腔溃疡等症状有很好的治疗效果。

4. 栀子:栀子味苦性寒,具有清热解毒、泻火利尿的作用,适用于胃火旺盛、便秘等症状。

5. 大黄:大黄味苦性寒,具有泻火通便、清热解毒的作用,适用于胃火旺盛、便秘等症状。

6. 石膏:石膏味甘性寒,具有清热解毒、生津止渴的作用,适用于胃火旺盛、口干舌燥等症状。

7. 甘草:甘草味甘性平,具有调和诸药、解毒护胃的作用,能够缓解其他药材的寒性,保护胃黏膜。



1. 清热解毒:牛黄、黄连、黄芩等药材具有清热解毒的作用,能够有效清除体内热毒,缓解胃火旺盛、口腔溃疡等症状。

2. 泻火养胃:大黄、石膏等药材具有泻火通便、清热解毒的作用,能够缓解胃火旺盛、便秘等症状,同时保护胃黏膜,防止胃病加重。

3. 调和诸药:甘草具有调和诸药、解毒护胃的作用,能够缓解其他药材的寒性,保护胃黏膜,提高药物疗效。



1. 胃火旺盛:口腔溃疡、口苦口干、便秘等症状。

2. 胃炎:胃痛、胃胀、恶心、呕吐等症状。

3. 胃溃疡:胃痛、胃胀、恶心、呕吐、出血等症状。

4. 肠道感染:腹泻、便秘、腹痛等症状。







1. 温中散寒:胡椒具有温中散寒的作用,对于冬季容易出现的腹痛、腹泻等症状有很好的缓解作用。

2. 增强免疫力:鸡肉富含蛋白质和多种氨基酸,能够增强人体免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

3. 促进消化:胡椒具有开胃消食的功效,有助于改善消化不良、食欲不振等症状。

4. 抗氧化:胡椒中含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

5. 健脾胃:胡椒和鸡肉搭配,有助于调理脾胃,改善食欲不振、消化不良等问题。





1. 祛风湿:黄花仔具有很好的祛风湿作用,对于风湿关节炎、类风湿性关节炎等疾病有一定的缓解作用。

2. 利关节:黄花仔能缓解关节疼痛,对关节活动受限有一定的改善作用。

3. 解毒:黄花仔具有解毒作用,对于毒蛇咬伤、皮肤瘙痒等病症有很好的治疗效果。

4. 健脾胃:黄花仔具有健脾益胃的功效,对于食欲不振、消化不良等脾胃虚弱症状有改善作用。

5. 养血:黄花仔能养血安神,对于失眠、多梦等神经衰弱症状有一定的缓解作用。


1. 煎汤:将黄花仔洗净,切成小段,加入适量清水,煎煮30分钟,去渣取汁,每日饮用。

2. 捣汁:将黄花仔洗净,捣烂取汁,用于外敷或内服。

3. 研末:将黄花仔晒干,研成粉末,用于外敷或内服。

4. 熏洗:将黄花仔煎煮成水,用于熏洗患处。


1. 非风湿病患者慎用:黄花仔具有祛风湿的功效,非风湿病患者不宜使用。

2. 生用或量多易致呕吐:黄花仔生用或过量使用可能导致呕吐,请在医生指导下使用。





1. 提高免疫力:蜂蜜中的多种氨基酸、矿物质和生物活性物质,能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,有效预防感冒、流感等疾病。

2. 润肺止咳:蜂蜜具有润肺止咳的功效,对于咳嗽、喉咙痛等症状有很好的缓解作用。而麻油中的维生素E和亚油酸,能够滋润肺部,保护呼吸道。

3. 抗氧化、抗衰老:麻油和蜂蜜都含有丰富的抗氧化物质,能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老过程,使肌肤更加光滑细腻。

4. 调节肠胃功能:蜂蜜具有润肠通便的作用,能够缓解便秘、消化不良等症状。麻油中的亚油酸能够促进肠道蠕动,帮助消化。

5. 降低血脂、保护心血管:麻油中的亚油酸和维生素E,能够降低血脂、降低胆固醇,保护心血管健康。

6. 促进睡眠:蜂蜜具有安神助眠的作用,对于失眠、多梦等症状有很好的缓解效果。










1. 准备材料:桂花、绿茶(或红茶)、蜂蜜(可选)。

2. 将桂花和绿茶(或红茶)放入茶壶中。

3. 用开水冲泡,盖上盖子,静置5-10分钟。

4. 根据个人口味,加入适量蜂蜜搅拌均匀。

5. 倒入杯中,即可享用。


1. 患有感冒发热、口干舌燥者。

2. 孕妇、哺乳期妇女。

3. 患有慢性病、过敏体质者。




1. 解表散寒:紫苏具有发汗解表、散寒除湿的功效,适用于风寒感冒、发热、头痛、身痛等症状。尤其在夏季,人们易受暑湿侵袭,紫苏能够有效驱散体内湿气,缓解感冒症状。

2. 理气和中:紫苏具有理气和中、调脾养胃的作用,对于胃寒、胃痛、消化不良、食欲不振等症状有很好的缓解作用。

3. 降气消痰:紫苏具有降气消痰、平喘、润肠的功效,适用于咳嗽气喘、痰多、便秘等症状。

4. 抗氧化、抗炎:紫苏富含多种抗氧化物质,如多酚和类黄酮,能够帮助身体抵御自由基的损害,减少氧化应激和炎症反应,从而保护细胞免受损害,并提高身体的免疫力。

5. 维护心血管健康:紫苏中的维生素C、维生素K等营养物质有助于维护心血管健康,降低血脂、稳定血糖、预防动脉粥样硬化等。


1. 紫苏性温,体质燥热者应慎用。

2. 紫苏有发汗作用,患有感冒发热、高血压、心脏病等疾病的患者在使用紫苏时需遵医嘱。

3. 孕妇和哺乳期妇女在使用紫苏时需谨慎,最好在医生指导下使用。

4. 紫苏具有发汗作用,服用后不宜立即洗澡。



1. **平肝息风**:天麻具有平肝息风的作用,可以缓解肝阳上亢引起的头痛、眩晕等症状。

2. **镇痛作用**:天麻丸中含有的天麻成分对头痛、三叉神经痛、血管神经性头痛、脑血管病头痛、中毒性多发性神经炎等具有明显的镇痛效果。

3. **镇静作用**:天麻丸中的天麻成分可以镇静神经,有助于治疗神经衰弱和神经衰弱综合症,同时能够抑制中枢兴奋作用。

4. **抗惊厥作用**:对于面神经抽搐、肢体麻木、半身不遂、癫痫等病症,天麻丸有一定的治疗效果。

5. **降低血压**:天麻丸对于高血压患者有降低血压的作用,并且能够增加外周及冠状动脉血流量,对心脏有一定的保护作用。

6. **明目、增智**:天麻丸中天麻成分有助于增强记忆力,保护大脑神经系统,对于视神经的分辨能力有提升作用,适用于脑保健。

7. **抗炎作用**:天麻丸具有一定的抗炎作用,可以帮助缓解一些炎症性疾病。

8. **其他作用**:天麻丸对于破伤风、肢体麻木、手足不遂、中风偏瘫等症也有一定的治疗作用。


– **适应症**:主要用于头痛眩晕、肢体麻木、癫痫、抽搐、破伤风等症状的治疗。
– **使用方法**:按照医嘱或药品说明书进行服用。
– **禁忌**:对于气血虚弱者应谨慎使用,孕妇、哺乳期妇女及过敏体质者应在医生指导下使用。
– **副作用**:虽然天麻丸被认为是无毒副作用,但在个体差异的情况下,仍有可能出现不良反应,如出现不适应立即停药并咨询医生。




1. 改善血液循环:电疗可以刺激血管扩张,降低血流阻力,从而改善血液循环,有利于消除局部肿胀、促进组织修复。

2. 缓解疼痛:电疗可以刺激神经末梢,释放内啡肽等物质,起到镇痛作用。适用于各种疼痛性疾病,如关节炎、颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出等。

3. 调节神经肌肉功能:电疗可以刺激神经肌肉,增强肌肉力量,改善肌肉萎缩、痉挛等症状。适用于中风、偏瘫、截瘫等神经系统疾病。

4. 促进伤口愈合:电疗可以改善局部血液循环,加速组织修复,促进伤口愈合。

5. 调节内分泌:电疗可以刺激内分泌腺体,调节激素水平,改善内分泌失调症状。


1. 疼痛缓解:电疗在治疗疼痛方面具有显著效果,尤其适用于慢性疼痛,如颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出等。

2. 功能恢复:电疗可以改善神经系统疾病患者的运动功能,如中风、偏瘫等。

3. 炎症消除:电疗可以减轻炎症反应,消除局部肿胀。

4. 免疫调节:电疗可以增强机体免疫力,预防疾病。

5. 心理作用:电疗可以缓解患者焦虑、抑郁等心理症状,提高生活质量。


1. 疼痛性疾病:颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、关节炎、偏头痛等。

2. 神经系统疾病:中风、偏瘫、截瘫、周围神经损伤等。

3. 消化系统疾病:胃肠神经官能症、便秘、腹泻等。

4. 妇科疾病:子宫脱垂、神经性膀胱功能失调等。

5. 其他:骨折、烧伤、术后康复等。


1. 癫痫患者:电疗可能诱发癫痫发作。

2. 心脏病患者:电疗可能影响心脏功能。

3. 恶性肿瘤患者:电疗可能加重病情。

4. 妊娠期妇女:电疗可能影响胎儿发育。

5. 对电流过敏者:电疗可能引起过敏反应。



Like the sky were to fall, a loud noise sounded, that is, the kings of the major forces such as Qinghui and Huoling couldn’t help but jump their eyelids at this moment and see that Ning Caichen suddenly made a fist with his right hand in the line of sight and punched out at the old man of the light family.
The bodhi old zu of Guangzu roared with anger, but it was Ning Caichen who greeted him with his fist and hurriedly resisted.
A mass of blood exploded in the sky, and then silver blood splashed down in the sight of everyone. The old hands of the Guangzu beat against Ning Caichen, but in just a moment of fighting, his arms burst into blood fog, and then Ning Caichen punched his chest, and his whole chest was pierced, shaking out a blood hole the size of a big bowl. The whole body also flew out like a kite.
Chapter 956 Zun Fa Tie
One punch, the elders of Guangzu directly hit his arms and smashed his chest, and a huge blood hole was also made. Silver blood splashed down from the stars, and the whole person was directly punched out by Ning Caichen. This is an amazing scene. Except for the Jin people, others in the distance do not change color, and the kings of the major forces such as Qinghui and Huoling also look drastic at this moment.
They didn’t expect Ning Caichen to make such a decisive move and let the elders of the light clan hit hard with one punch. This is a king, but even Ning Caichen didn’t take a punch, which is amazing. It makes people feel a kind of horror. When it comes to the realm of the king, it’s really hard to have a gap. Even if there are high and low levels, there is little gap, but now Ning Caichen directly hits the king of the light clan with one punch, showing that his strength has surpassed the king.
Don’t Ning Caichen preach!
Qing Hui, Huo Ling and others couldn’t help coming up with such an idea in their minds, but it was quickly rejected. They can be sure that Ning Caichen hasn’t proved that if Ning Caichen really becomes the king of the light family, it is not just as simple as being injured, but directly dying. I don’t see the emperor light family years ago, and let Ning Caichen be destroyed with a palm of his hand.
But even so, it makes people tremble, that is, the kings such as Qinghui, Huoling and Tuoba Changtian all face great changes. Although they have long speculated that Ning Caichen’s strength must be stronger than that of the former emperor, they never thought that it would be so strong that a statue of a king would be injured with one punch.
Ning Caichen!’ The king of the light clan was shocked and angry, and his old face turned red. He didn’t expect Ning Caichen to make a sudden move and he was injured by Ning Caichen with one punch. He used to be a high-profile person, but now he has become this look. Don’t be too embarrassed. "I want you to die!"
The eyes of the elders of the light clan are full of fire. The so-called people live a face. At their level, they have already stood at the top of the world overlooking the sentient beings. There are few things that make them feel that at this time, they will look at their faces more than important. What’s worse, she is still a body emperor, but now she is so embarrassed. How can she not be angry?
Ning Caichen didn’t speak, but his body moved directly to solve the problem. He stepped out of the figure and directly appeared on the head of the old man of the light family. Then he saw Ning Caichen lift his right foot and stepped on it toward the old man of the light family. It was overbearing and strong, like stepping on the old man of the light family with one foot. Seeing this scene, many people had eyelids and felt scalp pins and needles.
"Hey!" The old man’s eyes were red, and he was surprised and angry. There was a long roar in his mouth, and a golden sword appeared in his hands and he cut directly at Ning Caichen.
"Hum!" At the same time, all of a sudden, a mighty pressure came towards Ning Caichen. It was the golden law post in suspension that broke into a golden light and pressed directly towards Ning Caichen.
Ning Caichen’s facial expression changed, and he felt an unbearable huge pressure in the form. When he looked up, he saw that golden law post appeared on his head and pressed himself.
"poof!" Silver blood splashed down this time, Ning Caichen’s foot fell to the light family, and the body of the king was directly divided, and the golden sword was also directly broken.
All the people in the field couldn’t help but look at the horror of the statue of the king of the light family. But at this time, they didn’t pay too much attention to the statue of the old man of the light family because of the golden method post. Ning Caichen’s head has been pressed.
A series of golden lights spread like thousands of divine lights from the golden dharma posts, but it makes people feel horrified. You can see that these golden lights are shattered inch by inch, and the golden dharma posts fall like a lost millstone, which is directly pressed against Ning Caichen’s head.
"Before … before …"
Ning Caichen’s clothing appeared a crossing, and the flesh also appeared a series of blood stains. The silver blood flowed out like a sword blade in the shape, and his body was cut. The golden dharma post has not completely fallen, but there is a horror coming. It feels like the whole body is divided inch by inch from the body.
A dangerous smell came over Ning Caichen, knowing that the real crisis had arrived. Although it was not in person, it was a disguised form equal to a shot.
In the end, when the golden dharma post is about to land, Ning Caichen will take the sword of forgetting Sichuan in his hand and chop it off toward the golden post. He wants to chop this dharma post directly.
"Dang …" Forgotten Sichuan sword falls golden law post, but it sounds like a metal bump, followed by a huge anti-shock force to "snow …"
Ning Caichen coughed up blood, and his body stumbled and almost fell from the stars.
"Rumble …"
The smell of terror and destruction broke out from the golden law post in an instant, and it collapsed directly around Ning Caichen. When Ning Caichen’s body trembled, it felt like the whole body was going to collapse, and there was a horrible qi machine coming out from the golden law post to erase him.
It’s a horrible sight. Tens of thousands of miles of Fiona Fang around Ning Caichen have been completely extinguished, like a huge black hole. Ning Caichen is crushed, and the figure of the golden law post looks small, like a worm. It seems that the golden law post will be annihilated in a moment, and his whole body will soar with faint golden light. These golden Ning Caichen bodies seem to slowly disintegrate and melt.
In the distance, Chen Gong and other strong men in the state of Jin all face a change.
"Ning Caichen, even if your strength is double, you are still an ant before you."
Light clan elders appeared in the distance star mouth way
"a broken law post also wants to press me."
Ning Caichen cold drink the king of the clan is a cold smile in the distance. Qinghui, Huoling, Tuoba Changtian and others mostly sneer in their eyes. It seems that the statue of the law post is like a statue of yourself. Even if Ning Caichen’s strength is stronger than them, it has been like a worm for a long time before the statue, but the idea only lasts for a moment. Their faces are on one side.
See the golden law post Ning Caichen’s head. A flower with three petals and three strange colors suddenly blooms. Each petal is different in black, white and red, and each petal is sitting in a dish. This Ning Caichen gives people a real and strange feeling. This is a three-flower.
"Before … before …"
There was a dazzling bright light that shot three flowers in the past and appeared. At this moment, everyone felt that the flowers in front of them flashed like a bright flash in the night, and then the three flowers disappeared in the sight of everyone, but the past and appearance had already appeared. Ning Caichen both punched at the top of his head. The golden law post blew away.
"Dong … dong …"
It’s like Mars hitting the earth with two fists and hitting the golden dharma post, which makes the original golden dharma post stop directly with a violent shock.
Ning Caichen’s forgetfulness sword held high against the golden law post and cut it out again.
"Tear …"
A crisp golden law post in the line of sight of everyone was directly torn by Forgotten Sichuan Sword.
"my god!"
In the distance, someone exclaimed and looked at the scene in front of them. The king of the light family and the kings of the major forces such as Qinghui and Huoling also froze for an instant.

In this incident, Li Min didn’t fall into a hole, let alone support the coup. The officers still took the side of the government. In other words, Li Min had some irreconcilable differences and contradictions in his ruling style.

Wu Tingyan, a Chinese, is really not at ease.
In his view, Chinese people are striving for some political and economic benefits for national independence. Today, let alone that Chinese people are still a minority in the total population of South Vietnam, even if there are one million more, it will not threaten the current government’s rule over the country.
"It makes sense for the younger brothers and sisters to consider it. Anyway, the coup has not happened yet, so we can solve it peacefully. We can’t startle it now. If we are really dissatisfied with me like rumors, he will not wake up and will not strongly suggest that we go to the first meal."
Which is more important, Dinh Nhu Ngo or white?
Not to mention that Li Min still supports the government. Even if he wavers, he supports those opposition parties. What he can do now is to appease and woo them. He immediately turned back and said, "Brother Li Chun is right. The people are well-intentioned and have done nothing wrong."
Chapter one hundred and seventy-six To get the boat.
"Mr. Guo, the chairman of the board of directors, and Mr. Liu’s plane landed safely ten minutes ago and were on their way to Catina Street, Bank of East Asia Headquarters Road, Xinshan No.1 Airport. Everything is normal. The lights of the general staff should have just been ordered."
It is destined to be a sleepless night.
Li Min greeted Huang Duqing, the warden who hurried to Fuguo Island, and sat down with a pinch of command. "It’s 12 o’clock now, and then report it to Ambassador Debro and Professor Lionel in a minute."
Vice chairman and general manager Wu Dongdong took responsibility for American communication. As soon as he left the headquarters, Huang Duqing eagerly asked, "Did you start over there?"
"Wei Wei, you introduce a situation"
Chen Runwei immediately got up and said in a low voice, "An hour and a half ago, Ruan Zhengshi and Wang Wendong’s paratroopers’ brigade headquarters called the brigade second lieutenant officers’ meeting, and President Wu Tingyan engaged in cronyism and dictatorship, and made a family name to announce that the coup officers would oppose it."
After the meeting, the logistics officers distributed ammunition as planned. Ruan Zhengshi and Wang Wendong personally led three paratroopers to enter the city by jeep, truck and armored vehicle. When the President prepared, there were not many of them, and they blocked the vanguard troops all the way. This should have arrived at Independence Palace and National Taiwan. "
"What about Ruan Zhaohong?"
"Ruan Zhaohong is not a paratrooper brigade. He is responsible for mobilizing the naval marine division. According to the latest information, there is a marine battalion supporting the coup. His officers neither support nor strongly oppose the participation in politics. The marine battalion has gone to the city. According to their marching route, it should go straight to the presidential palace."
Huang Duqing asked doubtfully, "No senior officers?"
"There are no signs of senior officers participating at the moment, but we can be sure that some senior officers know. If there is no accident, he will wait and see. Once the coup forces take the Independence Palace, they will come out to clean up the situation."
"These guys are waiting to get a bargain."
His voice just fell and a staff officer knocked at the door and came in. "It is reported that the fourth tactical area has just received an order from the general staff to station in the direction of Saigon immediately, and the special forces around Saigon (Dinh Nhu Ngo Special Forces) have also received similar orders, but they can’t reach the city until noon at the earliest when they need it."
Li Min looked up and asked, "Who gave orders to the fourth tactical area?"
"Chief of Staff Ruan Qing"
Huang Duqing took the intelligence and looked at it and mused, "You can see at a glance that the 7th Infantry Division and 21st Infantry Division were ordered by President Yan’s office at the first time."
Li Min sighed lightly, "It’s too important for him to transfer the Fifth Infantry Division to the Fifth Infantry Division’s defense zone. He dare not and can’t."
In the past year, the North Vietnamese People’s Army (NPA) and Vietnamese Union local troops fought more than two times, with casualties. It is very good to hold the defense zone. If they are transferred to Saigon to counter the Vietnamese Union, they will definitely take advantage of it.
Huang Duqing considered that it was not these cigarettes that he said without worry that "there are only four battalions in total who want to occupy the presidential palace, the national television station and the general staff Wu Tingyan at the same time. They are somewhat prepared and have little hope of success."
Li Min was made to laugh and cry. "General Huang, do you want them to succeed or fail?"
Whether we succeed or fail, we will not be better in the next day than in the long run.
Industrial investment is developing too fast. Since there is money, some people have guns and foreign countries have influence.
With the increasing control over the six provinces, the Wu brothers gradually found that the industrial investment has broken the balance they hoped for. They are planning to nationalize the industrial investment company. It is said that Dinh Nhu Ngo wants Li Min, the ambassador to France, Chen Shiguo, the ambassador to Britain, and Liu Jiachang, the minister of economy, Wu’ andong, and the deputy minister of political affairs, to take the top management of the industrial investment company in this way.
However, wishes are beautiful.
Not to mention whether it can continue to get some support from the industrial investment company to maintain the government and the army, it will be hard for Americans.
The industrial village plan was perfected by Li Min from the Government Research Department of the University of Michigan.
The company has American consultants, and the industrial village management committees also have an American consultant team for the southern Dafa project, which integrates industrial development and appeasement. It seems that the senior officials in Washington can only spend less money and continue to cut aid to Vietnam if the industrial investment company is developed.
And it turns out that the investment company has done a better job than expected.
Li Min and others have worked hard to establish a set of relatively perfect industrial bodies in South Vietnam, which has already fed back the South Vietnamese government to bear more than 2% of the government and military support, and at the same time, there is still room for the Jinou Peninsula to look at the whole of South Vietnam, so that the rural areas in six provinces can remain stable and have not been infiltrated by North Vietnam.
Dealing with North Vietnam is the first person to ask the US government not to move "people who are doing business", so no one can move.
Huang Duqing is not worried about whether Wu Tingyan or the new government will take the job after the coup, but about which direction the political situation will develop.
Because work investment does not mean living in South Vietnam, Cambodia, Kompong Som and Parrot Point, nearly 30,000 Chinese. The threat of North Vietnam and the turbulent political situation in Saigon are not bad things for Chinese. In fact, only external threats and instability can Chinese live and develop.
They are suffering from the loss of independence in Fuguo Island, and they are extremely nervous outside the palace.
Ruan Zheng-shi and Ruan Zhaohong wanted to take the presidential palace with a bang, but they were worried that Wu Tingyan’s brothers would take advantage of the chaos to escape. As soon as they arrived at their destination, they ordered the troops to surround Wu Tingyan’s first sitting room and shouted to the coup forces through radio.
"I am your president and the legitimate president elected by the people’s votes. I order you to return to the barracks immediately, and don’t be bewitched by the hidden military division …"
The well-trained and well-equipped department of the Presidential Guard is the People’s Labor Party. party member is loyal to the Wu brothers. They have been prepared for high morale. Outside the gate, the grass is full of sandbags, heavy and light machine guns, and mortars are set up in the garden behind the barrel.
There are special forces fortifications on the left and right. There are snipers on the second floor. There are four armored vehicles patrolling back and forth in the fence, and they will support whichever side is tight.
Ruan Zhengshi realized that he had gone through the air leakage and looked back at several former security officers of the industrial investment company. He immediately ordered "storm!"
Dadada …
As he ordered dozens of soldiers to attack the gate under the cover of armored vehicles, the presidential guard did not hesitate to fight back. The fire was fired in the bunker and the guns were as deafening as fried soybeans
Rushing to the front of the soldiers in a pool of blood has come to this point where there is no turning back. The soldiers and officers yelled at the soldiers and rushed forward.
The artillery of the presidential palace fired mortar shells one after another and hit the coup army. Paratroopers and marines lay down for cover. The first attack was so powerful that the other side’s firepower was disintegrated.
If you can’t put it off, you’ll die
Ruan Zhaohong was worried that Wu Tingyan would turn his troops against encirclement and bite his submachine gun and roared, "Brothers, follow me!"
Lieutenant colonel’s first step greatly boosted morale.
Nearly six soldiers covered with machine guns and attacked again. The street lamp was knocked out, and it was dark. Only with the guidance of tracer bullets could we find the target.
No one knows whether a melee shot at the front hit the other side or not. Guns, grenades exploded, shelled and shouted one after another at the main entrance.