













1. 准备艾草:选择新鲜的艾草,洗净后切成小段,以便于煮水。

2. 煮水:将艾草放入锅中,加入适量的清水,大火煮沸后转小火继续煮15-20分钟。

3. 浸泡:将煮好的艾草水倒入浴缸中,水温控制在38℃-42℃之间,以舒适为宜。

4. 洗澡:在艾草水中浸泡全身,特别是腰部和肌肉酸痛的部位,可以适当按摩,以促进血液循环。

5. 洗浴时间:艾草水洗澡的时间一般为15-20分钟,期间可根据个人感受适当调整。


1. 缓解腰痛:艾草具有温经散寒的作用,能够有效缓解腰部肌肉紧张和疼痛。

2. 舒缓肌肉酸痛:艾草中的有效成分可以促进血液循环,缓解肌肉酸痛和僵硬。

3. 增强免疫力:艾草具有抗菌消炎的作用,能够增强人体的免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

4. 调节内分泌:艾草水洗澡有助于调节内分泌,改善睡眠质量,缓解压力。

5. 改善皮肤状况:艾草水中的营养成分可以滋养肌肤,改善皮肤状况。


1. 患有皮肤病患者;
2. 孕妇;
3. 对艾草过敏者。







1. 抗癌作用:研究表明,鲎肉中的某些成分具有抗癌活性,可以抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

2. 抗炎作用:鲎肉中的抗炎成分可以缓解炎症,对于关节炎、风湿病等炎症性疾病具有一定的治疗作用。

3. 抗菌作用:鲎肉中的某些成分具有抗菌活性,可以抑制细菌的生长,对于预防感染具有积极作用。

4. 抗衰老作用:鲎肉中的抗氧化成分可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老,具有抗衰老作用。

5. 增强免疫力:鲎肉中的营养成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防疾病。

6. 帮助消化:鲎肉中的酶类成分有助于食物的消化吸收,对于改善消化系统功能具有积极作用。









1. 祛病强身。兔儿伞功法能够调理人体气血,增强免疫力,对于感冒、咳嗽、肠胃不适等常见病症具有缓解作用。

2. 缓解压力。兔儿伞功法中的动作优美,有助于放松身心,缓解压力,提高睡眠质量。

3. 延缓衰老。兔儿伞功法能够促进血液循环,增强新陈代谢,有助于延缓衰老,保持年轻活力。

4. 改善体型。兔儿伞功法中的跳跃、奔跑动作能够锻炼身体,有助于塑造良好体型。

5. 提高抵抗力。兔儿伞功法能够增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,降低患病风险。


1. 急性病发作期患者;
2. 严重心脏病患者;
3. 怀孕妇女;
4. 患有严重骨质疏松症的人群。





1. 温经散寒:艾草具有温经散寒的作用,对于宫寒、痛经、月经不调等女性常见问题有很好的调理效果。

2. 去湿除燥:艾草茶饮具有去湿除燥的功效,对于湿气重、身体沉重、食欲不振等问题有很好的改善作用。

3. 抗菌消炎:艾草中含有丰富的天然抗生素,具有抗菌消炎的作用,对于感冒、咽喉炎等疾病有很好的辅助治疗作用。

4. 增强免疫力:艾草茶饮中的多种营养成分,如蛋白质、维生素、矿物质等,可以增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。


1. 增强抵抗力:艾草茶饮中的有效成分可以增强人体免疫力,提高抵抗力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 去屑止痒:艾草茶饮具有滋润头皮、去除头油、止痒、去屑的功效,对于头皮屑、头痒等问题有很好的改善作用。

3. 驱寒祛湿:艾草茶饮具有驱寒祛湿的作用,对于风寒感冒、关节疼痛、手脚冰凉等问题有很好的缓解效果。

4. 祛痱止痒:艾草茶饮具有祛痱止痒的功效,对于夏季痱子、皮肤瘙痒等问题有很好的缓解作用。





1. 驱寒散寒:细辛泡酒具有很好的驱寒散寒作用,适用于风寒感冒、关节疼痛等症状。饮用细辛泡酒可以缓解寒邪侵袭,增强身体抵抗力。

2. 止痛:细辛泡酒对头痛、牙痛、风湿痹痛等疼痛症状有很好的缓解作用。细辛具有镇痛、消炎、抗炎作用,对于缓解疼痛有显著效果。

3. 通窍:细辛泡酒对鼻塞、鼻渊等症状有很好的改善作用。细辛具有通窍、宣肺、祛痰作用,可以缓解鼻塞、鼻渊等症状。

4. 温肺化饮:细辛泡酒对于哮喘、咳嗽等呼吸系统疾病有很好的调理作用。细辛具有温肺化饮、止咳平喘的功效,对于缓解呼吸系统疾病有显著效果。

5. 增强免疫力:细辛泡酒中的细辛成分具有抗菌、抗病毒、抗肿瘤等作用,能够增强人体免疫力,预防疾病。

6. 抗衰老:细辛泡酒中的有效成分可以促进新陈代谢,改善血液循环,从而延缓衰老,保持年轻态。


1. 准备50克细辛和500毫升白酒。

2. 将细辛洗净,晾干。

3. 将细辛放入白酒中,密封。

4. 浸泡15天左右,即可饮用。


1. 泡制细辛泡酒时,应选用优质的白酒,避免使用勾兑酒。

2. 饮用细辛泡酒时,根据个人口味和身体状况适量饮用,一般每次15-30毫升。

3. 对于孕妇、哺乳期妇女、过敏体质者以及正在服用其他药物的人群,请咨询医生后再决定是否饮用细辛泡酒。



1. **抗菌作用**:螺旋霉素通过抑制细菌蛋白质的合成,从而达到抑制细菌生长繁殖的效果。它对多种革兰氏阳性菌和奈瑟氏菌有良好的抗菌作用,对一些革兰氏阴性菌也有一定作用。

2. **抗菌谱**:螺旋霉素的抗菌谱相对较广,包括金黄色葡萄球菌、溶血性链球菌、肺炎球菌、白喉杆菌、炭疽杆菌、梭菌属、李斯特菌属、硬球菌、胎儿弯曲菌、流感杆菌、百日咳杆菌、消化球菌、消化链球菌等。

3. **治疗范围**:螺旋霉素主要用于治疗敏感菌引起的各种感染,包括:
– **呼吸道感染**:如咽炎、扁桃体炎、支气管炎、肺炎、蜂窝织炎、耳炎等。
– **泌尿系统感染**:如衣原体感染、前列腺感染等。
– **骨科感染**:如骨髓炎。
– **皮肤软组织感染**:如脓皮病、丹毒、猩红热等。
– **寄生虫感染**:如弓形体病、隐孢子虫病等。

4. **副作用与注意事项**:虽然螺旋霉素对多种感染有良好的治疗效果,但在使用过程中仍需注意:
– **不良反应**:可能出现胃肠道不适、肝功能异常、过敏反应等。
– **药物相互作用**:与其他抗生素、抗酸药等可能存在相互作用。
– **适应症**:仅适用于敏感菌引起的感染,不宜滥用。
– **用药指导**:按照医嘱用药,不要随意增减剂量或停药。








1. 每天食用3-5个生核桃即可,过量食用可能导致热量摄入过多。

2. 生核桃可以直接食用,也可以加入酸奶、水果沙拉等食品中。

3. 注意生核桃的储存,避免受潮、变质。

4. 适合各年龄段人群食用,特别是中老年人、孕妇、儿童等。


I don’t know whether to continue slapping or what to do with my hand on her shoulder.

He stroked her wet long hair from the top of her hair with a sigh. "My sister said that men don’t flick when they have tears. You are either a man or a little girl. If you really feel bad, you can cry bitterly. Sometimes it will make you feel better."
Every time he did something wrong, he was punished by his father. When he wanted to cry, Mei Wu would tell him not to cry. You are a big man. Don’t shed tears casually. Only a girl like me can cry.
Little girl?
Chi Xin slightly raised his head from Shen Guangyu’s warm chest and mouth and sounded sour to the extreme. "I’m no longer a little girl … I’m too dirty to be dirty."
The first time I was dizzy and forgot what happened with Xiao Jiao, I thought I broke the rules first.
But this time she was actually raped, and her body and mind seemed to be destroyed.
Shen Guangyu stared at her for a long time. What did she mean?
Just grin and smile. The smile is as pure as blue sky. "Wash it when it’s dirty. I used to love playing with mud. When I get dirty on rainy days, my sister will give me a bath. Sister Xin, I’ll also give you a bath. Wash it and it will be clean."
He said, pulling away, fearing that she had nothing to hold in her arms, he stuffed Pikachu in her arms and went to the bathroom to give her bath water.
Vaguely, in tears, I watched his tall figure step into health and looked down at the bright yellow Pikachu in my arms. It grinned and smiled at her, just like Shen Guangyu just now, trying to comfort her and coax her.
In my heart, I couldn’t help warming up, absorbing my nose and then looking at the health. Shen Guangyu, wearing cartoon pajamas, quickly came over and smiled and told her, "The water is letting go of Xin Er’s sister. Take off your wet clothes and take a good bath, or you will really catch a cold."
As he said, he went upstairs and hugged his arm and felt cold.
"Brother Guangyu, thank you," Chixin said in a low voice.
This thank-you made Guang Shen Yuting embarrassed. It was the first time a girl said "thank you" to him, which made him feel very capable. He touched the back of his head awkwardly and blushed shyly.
Chixin was so tired that she fell forward as soon as her legs were soft together.
Shen Guangyu gave her a virtual hand and put her in her arms.
He is wearing a thin cotton long-sleeved pajamas, which belongs to the human body. The temperature warms her and has an attraction to her.
Shen Guangyu is just like a child. He is kind and comfortable, does not laugh at people, and does not understand what she has experienced. He is an object to talk to and rely on.
He frowned and asked her, "Are you unable to walk?"
Chixin was weak. If she hadn’t been biting her teeth, maybe she wouldn’t even come home.
She didn’t want to pretend to be strong and looked at Shen Guangyu and nodded wearily.
"Without me carrying you, I eat three bowls of rice every meal. Yan Yan said before that I was a big git, but my sister said that if I ate more, I would grow taller and stronger."
He smiled foolishly and swung his arm to show off his powerful arm muscles.
Laughing, he turned his back and bent over to let ChiXin come to his back.
This childish, honest and stupid man is particularly reassuring.
Chi Xin is not worried that he will eat her tofu because he doesn’t know anything about that.
Chixin hand on his shoulder to lift the foot was Shen Guangyu back.
The man’s back is very wide and thick. He walks forward and laughs with her. "When I was a child, my sister went for a walk after dinner with me. She always said that she was too full to walk and let me carry her like this."
It seems that he and yisow have deep feelings.
Think about your second brother. No matter what’s wrong at school or at home, he will try his best to help her finish it, just like when she failed in the college entrance examination and filled in her volunteers. At that time, her mother didn’t agree with what nurse she chose, saying it was useless.
But the second brother defended her, saying that this is something she likes, and her family should not stop it, but should give her the greatest support.
If the second brother hadn’t persuaded her mother, she might be forced to study now. She doesn’t like and is not good at majors and leads a painful study life.
Being carried into the bathroom, Shen Guangyu put her away.
Section 66
The water in the bathtub has been put in the middle, and the hot heating is coming out. When Shen Guangyu was about to turn around and go out, he pointed to her little face and asked, "Sister Xin, have you been slapped in the face?"
Chixin sipped his lips and didn’t talk.
"I was beaten by an old witch that day. Oh, no, my sister told me not to shout like that in front of others. She was as red and swollen as being beaten by Gu Yi and left a few finger prints."
Chi Xin lifted her face and glanced at a pair of glasses. She was tortured like this by Xiao Yi alone. Her hair was long and her cheeks were swollen badly. It seems that the family can’t wait. If they see it, they will be suspicious.
She put her hands over her face and shook her head gently.
"You are wrong about my face. There is nothing."
When Shen Guangyu’s arm moved, he took her hands and looked at her face with calm eyes. "There are finger prints on both sides. Who hit you?"
"If I say no, there is no"
ChiXinYin couldn’t help but pointed up, tears in her eyes in turn is about to fall.
Shen Guangyu was so frightened by her that she pursed her lips and frowned. "Okay, okay, I won’t talk about it. Take a shower. I’ll go back to my room and sleep."
He yawned a lot again and just walked out and shut her door.
Gloomily, Shen Guangyu painted in the backyard pavilion the next day.
Eyebrow Wu noticed at a glance that something was wrong with his eldest brother and took two cups of cappuccino out and pushed it to his hand. "Eldest brother, why don’t you mind? Who made you angry? "
Big brother is boring his head and drawing paper with a pencil when he doesn’t talk.
Eyebrow Wu went around to the back of the eldest brother and looked at him. The picture was full of Chixin Chixin crying.
"Is Xin-er bothering you?"
I was a little annoyed by the eyebrow Wu question. Shen Guangyu drummed his cheeks to help put the drawing board. "It’s not Xin Er’s sister who made me angry, but I felt a little uncomfortable when I saw her crying alone in the room last night."
Eyebrow Wu "tut" took a sip of coffee and laughed. "Your sister didn’t see you so sad when I cried? Xin-er’s tears make you feel so bad? Brother, when did you learn to value girls over girls? "
"Sister, didn’t you see Xin Er’s sister? She was torn and wet, and she couldn’t cry. Besides, I saw that her mouth was swollen, just like I was slapped in the face by an old witch. She had to say no and said that I was wrong about her. It was so strange and pitiful."
What’s wrong with Chi Xin’s chest dress in the picture of Big Brother? It seems that someone has torn it.

Sun Hao’s words inspired him.

I didn’t expect the real treasure of the fire frog swamp to be this unremarkable jingxie.
There are two ways for Sun Hao’s five elements to rotate the spirit root. One way is that Sun Haoxian rotates the spirit root by relying on massive fire frog essence blood, and the other way is to rotate a high-order spirit beast essence blood to form the fire spirit root.
Sun Haoke didn’t expect that he had struggled in the fire frog swamp for many years and finally got a drop of Yan Long Jingxue, which is no ordinary high-ranking spirit beast! This Sun Hao is a little secretly pleased. He did it in two ways at the same time. It can be expected that the fire spirit root he turned into this time should not be too bad.
Qing Lao thinks that although the value of pseudo-dragon grass is not too high, its authenticity is not bad. "Sun Hao, this pseudo-dragon grass is also a great treasure for you."
"Master" Sun Hao asked doubtfully, "Isn’t this pseudo-dragon’s breath grass for you?"
The young old man said patiently, "This pseudo-dragon-resting grass is strictly a first-order lingcao. What do you think will happen to Master when it is refined?"
This is half-truth. This Lingcao is not high in rank, but it is still of great help to Qinglao. However, Qinglao feels that this Lingcao makes Sun Hao more cost-effective.
"However," Qing Lao wakes Sun Hao "refining this pseudo-dragon’s breath grass is best to absorb it more thoroughly after you rotate the five elements to produce the root of fire spirit."
Sun Hao nodded and said white.
Green old this just let Corleone go out with a wave of his hand, and Corleone will go out with a green old voice. "In the last two or three years, two Oriental elders in Danqi Hall are going to close the foundation. Don’t harass them if you have nothing to do …"
Hearing this, Sun Hao is both at ease and worried about peace of mind. Recently, he estimated that he was not afraid of the East Elder’s revenge. He was worried that two years later, the East Elder really laid the foundation for himself. What should he do?
Whatever. We’ll come to the bridge when we get there. We’ll see what happens then.
Chapter 55 Don’t understand the answer
Sun Hao checked the teaching arrangement of the array hall and found that the next day was Yu Chang’s once-a-month teaching. He wanted to adjust himself to the four-story summit of refining gas and rushed to the array hall to attend classes the next morning.
Today, Yu Chang’s lecture is "Flexible Movement of Basic Arrays", but it is not paid attention to by Brother Zhen Futang. Even if it is not a teacher, Sun Hao is full of expectations for this class, and Sun Hao has set up some basic arrays during Yu Kunlong’s battle, which has played a good auxiliary role. At this time, he is naturally interested in Yu Chang’s class.
Yu Chang still looks blue and elegant, with a faint smile on his face, sitting in the pulpit and slowly opening his mouth. "All the monks say that the basic law has little reference to studying the level law. Therefore, there are very few monks studying the basic law in my family. However, Yu Wanzhang’s high-rise building can’t go far without practicing the heavy foundation and shaking the basic law firmly …"
Yu Chang sat on the futon in Kan Kan and talked about the importance of the basic array method from shallow to deep
Combining with my own practical experience and comparing with Yu Chang, Sun Hao realized that this lesson benefited him a lot.
Yu Chang took his time and cited classic examples to tell a fascinating story for more than an hour.
After class, I went to my brother to ask questions. As a rule, I left a question about the array. Sun Hao sat quietly in the back position and listened to my brother’s questions.
Like Sun Hao, many younger brothers also benefited from these questions. Some younger brothers did not leave even after asking questions, but sat cross-legged quietly and listened carefully to Yu Chang and his brother.
At last, it was Sun Hao’s turn to form the forum. At this time, there were still more than a dozen younger brothers who had not left. Several younger brothers also listened to Yu Chang’s law class with Sun Hao. At this time, they saw Sun Hao’s face with a surprised expression.
Because Yu Chang asked Sun Hao to refine the gas on the fourth floor, he later found him. Now that Sun Hao has come to repair it, he has also broken through the gas refining on the fourth floor. I don’t know if Yu Presbyterian will accept his brother.
Yu Chang also saw Sun Hao shine at the moment and smiled slightly and said, "Are you Sun Hao, the younger brother of the South Intermediate People’s Court? Well, it’s good. I didn’t expect you to enter the top of the fourth floor of gas refining so quickly. What’s your question today? "
I remember that Sun Hao was very impressed with Sun Hao, but at the same time, he did not accept Sun Hao’s brother for the first time. This attitude is more ambiguous.
Next to a few informed brother immediately to the interest carefully heard Sun Hao and Yu Chang answer.
Whether Sun Hao can become Yu Changdi today depends on this question and answer.
Many years later, today’s on-site brothers still relish what happened today because they always feel that they have witnessed a strange rise. Speaking of today, they will be flying high. "At that time, Sun Hao has shown his natural posture. I can’t fucking understand it because Sun Hao asked questions. This is the gap …"
At this time, Sun Haowan still had the vast array attraction and great curiosity for array knowledge in his eyes when he was studying in class.
Sun Hao got up and bowed down. "My brother Sun Hao met Elder Yu." After the ceremony was completed, Sun Hao began to ask a question that puzzled him for a long time. "My brother tried to practice the array method and Fu Zhuan. After many experiments, he couldn’t think perfectly for a long time. I only felt that this front was difficult to measure. Did the elder teach me?"
His brother is confused about what Sun Hao means in this statement. They really don’t understand what is hard to measure. Is this necessary? Isn’t it better than painting a gourd ladle? Don’t array method and character seal make perfect?
Sun Hao’s question puzzled everyone.
Hearing Sun Hao’s question, Yu Chang suddenly froze and burst out laughing, but he didn’t answer Sun Hao’s question. He just laughed comfortably and was elegant and elegant. At this time, Yu Chang had a little more heroism.
Sun Hao, like his brother, didn’t know Yu Chang and looked at Yu Chang with a confused smile.
Yu Chang smiled comfortably for a while, but instead of answering Sun Hao’s question, he asked Sun Hao’s question, "Sun Hao, have you become a first-class array operator?"
Sun Hao said in a daze that this Yu Chang is really fierce. Anyway, it is impossible to hide this after worshipping Yu Chang, so he readily admitted that "the elder Jian Di has indeed become a first-class array operator."
Corleone, the answer came out. Array FuTang immediately made a slight noise.
Yu Chang nodded, as expected, and continued to ask, "What is the basic array layout?"
Sun Haoma replied, "Jidu tried to arrange it."
Yu Chang Zheng asked again, "including the second level?"
Sun Hao "includes"
Yu Chang’s face showed a look of relief. "Good, good, Sun Hao, you are very good. So what about you?"
Sun Hao looked around at his brother in Fu Tang, and then gave a gift to Yu Chang. Then he said, "My brother was involved in refining Fu Zhuan earlier, so compared with the layout of array law, my brother has made relatively rapid progress. At present, he has cultivated four spells, and all of them can be refined into Fu Zhuan. Among them, there are more and fewer Chinese Fu Zhuan, only about 20%."
The array hall was in uproar.
Many younger brothers at the scene can forge the character seal, but it is because they can forge them that they are even more surprised. It is inexplicable to know that they are even more difficult to forge the character seal. Sun Hao wants to practice it directly. Are you kidding me?
Yu Chang also froze the heart andao "it happens"
If you can perceive the slight angle difference between the front and the pen, then the array symbol path will inevitably have a lot of accomplishments
Nodding slightly, Yu Chang asked another question, "So what is your success rate in refining Fu Zhuan?"
Sun Hao was a little startled and thought for a moment before he replied, "At first, when refining, a few of the ten pieces will be refined, but later, if you can refine the intermediate character seal, it seems that you rarely fail. How can the senior first-level character seal master also fail in refining the character seal?"
Yu Chang suddenly speaks English.
Array FuTang is a whisper. After many years, every time I think of this scene, my brothers will scold Sun Hao for being abnormal. "This Sun Hao was too arrogant at that time and actually asked Elder Yu about the failure of the first-level operator seal division." Depend on is really bullish … "
Yu Chang couldn’t help rolling his eyes, and his always elegant image was a bit rude. "So what are you particularly white?"
"White paper!" Sun Haofei quickly received "I’ve been trying the fire frog swamp, so it’s nothing special to refine the fire frog skin …"
Fire frog swamp? Fire frog skin? Many younger brothers don’t know what this is, but what are all these things when they know that their younger brothers are rolling their eyes again? It’s amazing that someone killed that worthless low-level spirit beast, and that someone used that grotesque fire frog skin to refine white paper keys. This person not only succeeded in refining, but also had a high success rate in refining character seals.