




1. 准备食材:无花果5个、鸡半只、姜片、盐适量。

2. 将鸡肉洗净,切成块状,焯水去血沫。

3. 将无花果洗净,与鸡肉一同放入锅中。

4. 加入姜片,注入适量清水。

5. 大火煮沸后,转小火慢炖1小时。

6. 最后加入盐调味即可。


1. 鸡肉性温,体质偏热者应适量食用。

2. 炖煮过程中,不宜加入过多调料,以免影响无花果的天然味道。

3. 饮食搭配:在食用《无花果鸡汤》的同时,可搭配一些清淡的蔬菜,如西红柿、黄瓜等,以保持营养均衡。






1. 提高免疫力:枸杞中的多糖成分与酵素相结合,能够更有效地刺激免疫细胞增殖,提高机体免疫力。这样,人体在面对病原体侵袭时,就能迅速作出反应,抵御疾病。

2. 抗氧化:枸杞富含抗氧化物质,如维生素C、E等,能够清除体内自由基,减少氧化应激对细胞的损害。酵素则可以促进抗氧化物质的合成与利用,进一步强化抗氧化效果。

3. 抗疲劳:枸杞具有抗疲劳作用,能够缓解身体疲劳,提高工作效率。酵素可以加速新陈代谢,帮助身体快速恢复活力。

4. 调节血糖:枸杞具有调节血糖的作用,对于糖尿病患者来说,枸杞酵素可以帮助控制血糖水平,降低并发症风险。

5. 保护肝脏:枸杞具有保肝护肝作用,能够修复受损肝细胞,提高肝脏解毒功能。酵素可以促进肝脏代谢,帮助肝脏更好地排除毒素。

6. 延缓衰老:枸杞富含抗氧化物质,能够延缓衰老过程。酵素可以促进细胞修复,提高细胞活力,使人体保持年轻状态。







1. 调理肠胃:水苏糖能够促进肠道蠕动,改善便秘,缓解腹泻,对肠道炎症疾病具有较好的防治功效。

2. 增强免疫力:水苏糖含有丰富的活性因子,可直接吸附胃肠道有毒物质、致病菌,增强人体免疫力。

3. 促进维生素B族合成:水苏糖能促进维生素B1、B2、B6、B12等维生素的合成,有利于钙、镁的吸收。

4. 排铅:水苏糖有助于排出体内铅等重金属,减少铅在肠道被吸收的可能性。




1. 蛋白质:香菇富含优质蛋白质,含量约为15%左右,是肉类食品的3倍。蛋白质是人体生长发育、组织修复的重要物质。

2. 维生素:香菇含有丰富的维生素,如维生素B1、B2、B3、B5、B6、B12、C、E等,这些维生素对人体的新陈代谢、免疫、心血管等方面具有重要作用。

3. 矿物质:香菇中含有钾、钠、钙、镁、铁、锌、硒等矿物质,这些矿物质对维持人体健康具有重要意义。

4. 核酸:香菇中含有丰富的核酸,有助于提高人体免疫力,预防疾病。

5. 膳食纤维:香菇含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。


1. 增强免疫力:香菇中的多糖成分具有增强免疫力的作用,能提高人体对疾病的抵抗力。

2. 抗癌作用:香菇中的香菇多糖、核苷酸等成分具有抗癌作用,能够抑制肿瘤细胞的生长和扩散。

3. 抗菌消炎:香菇中的香菇素、香菇多糖等成分具有抗菌消炎作用,可用于治疗感冒、肺炎等疾病。

4. 降血压:香菇中的香菇素、香菇多糖等成分具有降低血压的作用,适合高血压患者食用。

5. 降血脂:香菇中的香菇素、香菇多糖等成分具有降低血脂的作用,有助于预防心血管疾病。

6. 抗衰老:香菇中的抗氧化物质能够清除体内的自由基,延缓衰老。

7. 改善消化:香菇中的膳食纤维有助于促进肠道蠕动,改善消化功能。

8. 延缓衰老:香菇中的核酸成分能够延缓细胞衰老,保持肌肤弹性。















1. 补充营养:秋梨膏富含果糖、葡萄糖、苹果酸、蛋白质、脂肪、多种维生素和无机盐等营养成分,有助于补充人体所需营养。

2. 抗氧化:秋梨膏中的多酚类化合物具有抗氧化作用,有助于抵抗自由基,延缓衰老。

3. 抗炎:秋梨膏中的中药材成分具有抗炎作用,有助于缓解炎症。

4. 养颜美容:秋梨膏中的营养成分有助于改善肤色,达到养颜美容的效果。













1. 解热镇痛:感冒丸具有显著的解热镇痛作用,能有效缓解感冒引起的发热、头痛、肌肉酸痛等症状。

2. 化痰止咳:感冒丸中含有多种中药成分,具有化痰止咳的功效,对于感冒引起的咳嗽、痰多等症状有较好的治疗效果。

3. 抗病毒:感冒丸中的中药成分具有一定的抗病毒作用,能够抑制病毒复制,减轻感冒症状。

4. 增强免疫力:感冒丸中的中药成分能够调节人体免疫功能,提高机体抵抗力,预防感冒的发生。


1. 针对感冒初期:感冒丸能有效缓解感冒初期出现的发热、头痛、肌肉酸痛等症状,帮助患者快速恢复。

2. 针对感冒中期:感冒丸中的化痰止咳成分,能有效缓解感冒中期出现的咳嗽、痰多等症状。

3. 针对感冒后期:感冒丸中的抗病毒成分,有助于清除体内病毒,防止感冒反复发作。

4. 预防感冒:长期服用感冒丸,可提高人体免疫力,降低感冒的发生率。


1. 成人剂量:每次服用3-6粒,每天3次。

2. 儿童剂量:根据年龄和体重,在医生指导下使用。

3. 饮食禁忌:服药期间,忌食辛辣、油腻、生冷食物,避免饮酒。

4. 孕妇及哺乳期妇女:请在医生指导下使用。


The rule is a foothold key of a sect.

No one can provoke that Zhu Chang, who is in charge of Bi Xiufeng, was choked by De, and immediately stood aside.
"Go and get Sun Chi", Germany naturally knows that Jade Duxiu is not beautiful.
Sun Chi’s face came to the front of Germany with a gentle ceremony to "see the peak Lord"
"People say that Miaoxiu killed Tao You. Do you know?" Peak main face expression way
Sun Chi was one leng and then shook his head. "Hu said that the master loves life and sentient beings and how can he kill people?"
"You just said orpiment was a wonderful show that killed someone. You saw it with your own eyes and still dared to justify it." The letter brother jumped out and said.
Sirs elders at this time not language all is to look at the peak master Sun Chi.
The main expression of the peak is "Do you have anything to say?"
Sun Chi gently said, "It’s absolutely that someone is spreading rumors about this matter. My master has never killed anything since he came to this small Bixiu Peak."
"Nonsense, then I ask you how Tao You died?" Tao Qian thundered.
Sun Chi frowned an incredible expression "Tao You is dead? Who said that Tao You died? "
"Hum, still dare to justify that Taoyou Xiaobixiufeng was beautifully carved, but now it is alive, but you have seen it with your own eyes, and you still dare to justify it." Zhu Changdao
"The elders can eat rice in disorder, but the words can’t be blatantly wrong, but when my master kills people, he kills the Taoyou? Just look at the Tao You’s rude words and turn the Tao You into a stone carving. After a month, he will naturally reply to his original body. "Sun Chi’s face is full of disdain.
Everyone is a stay that TaoQian suddenly raised his head "what did you say? Friends are not dead? "
"Who said he was dead?" Sun Chi looked impatient.
"How is it possible that people have turned to stone? How is it possible that there is still life? You must be talking nonsense." Another elder came out and said.
"It’s terrible to be uneducated." Sun Chi also ignored that the elder was whispering a face upwards.
The elder’s face turned red at once, feeling embarrassed and angry. "I’ll ask you something again, but you won’t answer quickly."
Words didn’t say that finish but see Tao Qian has a hand holding Sun Chi sleeve instantaneous walking towards the foot of the mountain.
Sun Chi didn’t resist. With that Taoqian, he came to the foot of the mountain with his family.
Tao Qian came to the front of Taoyou Stone Carving and stopped to dodge the light. He put his hand on the stone carving and pondered for a long time before he showed ecstasy. "If you are still alive, you still have life."
Sun Chi noncommittally.
At this time, many elders also came to the mountain to look at the stone carving and couldn’t believe it. "How can it be that the stone carving has been melted and how can there be life?"
All the elders wanted to see the vitality. At this time, Sun Chi casually said, "Although there is still vitality, this small stone is different from the stone at this time. You should be careful not to intentionally touch the stone or touch any parts. If this stone carving head falls off, it will be really dead."
While Tao Qian smell speech frightened to disgrace, he immediately pushed the elders to firmly protect Tao You’s eyes, which contained alert color. All these years, everyone didn’t know who really wanted someone to play some small tricks to break their own vitality, which was really a dog day.
"You have children’s safety, please don’t get close to them." Tao Qian’s face was alert.
While Zhu Changqian said, "Brother Tao, do you really believe this little story? How can this loose orpiment come back from the dead? The stone has changed. It must be dead."
Tao Qian, after hearing this, hesitated slightly, turned around and shook his head at Zhu Chang. "My son is really alive, and we can’t ask everyone to lean over and have an accident."
After the stone carving, they were still alive. They flatly didn’t believe in this method since the beginning of their practice, but they had never heard of it.
Looking at the suspicious eyes of all, Germany felt a sense of vitality for the statue. It took a while before saying, "It is really alive."
"How is it possible?"
"incredibly still alive"
"This means is incredible if you can learn …"
They exclaimed immediately comment in succession.
However, these monks can’t understand the power of spin and creation.
Then Tao Qian looked at Sun Chi. "My baby is alive now, but is it alive?"
Sun Chi said impatiently, "My master said that he was little and punished for carving stone for a month, and then he could solve it naturally."
"Wonderful show quickly call him out to give my son a solution" Tao Qian stared at Sun Chi.
Sun Chi looked up at the sky. "My master went out to look for opportunities to cross the three disasters. Who knows where he is now?"
Tao Qian smell speech for a while, but fortunately, it’s much better than before. My son is not dead after all, even if he suffers from a month’s crime, it’s worth it if his son can come back to life.
But looking at the stone carving, Tao Qian worried that "if you don’t eat or drink this month, you will starve my son."
Their Sun Chi "have you ever seen a starving stone? What you should worry about now is not when your son will come back to life, but don’t let him be chopped to death by someone. It’s lucky to be alive and there are so many demands. "
"You have so many novels, who knows whether what you say is true or not? Hand over the magical power quickly and let me identify the authenticity." There was a flash of greed in Zhu Chang’s eyes
Sun Chi disdain a smile "must let you believe who you are? What do you have to do with this? "
"Vertical Ann dare to seat ceremony" Zhu Chang great anger.
"I’m from Xiaobixiufeng and I don’t belong to you. I have to be right with you." Sun Chi looked disdainful as if he were looking at an idiot again.
"You want to die" At this time, it’s humiliating for all of you to be ridiculed by a little servant.
That Zhu Chang became angry from embarrassment and flashed a magical power towards Sun Chi.
This Zhu Changhao didn’t become angry from embarrassment and brazenly shot.
Sun Chi is not easy to provoke a scalp, and he is not inferior to the monks.
Seeing that Zhu Chang’s avatar called Sun Chi towards himself, a carp jumped up instantly and blinked. After a distance of more than ten feet, the root wouldn’t give Zhu Chang a punch to his chest when he responded.
Zhu Changzhou’s body flashed a layer of precious light, and a bead was suspended overhead, and a ripple blocked Sun Chi’s fist.
"It’s just a multiplier, but you dare to stop me." Sun Chi disdained to smile for a moment, and the whole body shook suddenly, and the skin instantly turned bronzed.
Bronze and iron body is a kind of different art.
"Click", a punch from Sun Chi instantly penetrated Zhu Chang’s defense, and a palm fell on his chest. Good Sun Chi knew that he couldn’t die, and that Zhu Chang’s chest was crunchy and kept flying out. I don’t know how many bones were broken.
Sun Chi, now dzogchen, who is made of bronze and iron, can practice the golden body in one step. By then, it can be said that ordinary monks in heaven and earth can be suppressed with a snap of their fingers.
"How is that possible?" More than all the monks took a breath in a gasp. I never imagined that any janitor in Brigitte Xiufeng was so powerful that he defeated a tens of thousands of old guys who practiced.
Avatar is powerful because it depends on people.
After all, it is good for monks to learn one or two magical powers and practice a few protective devices. For monks, meditation practice occupies most of them, and magical powers are only a small part.
After all, repairing is the key, and the avatar is just a way to protect the road.
"bang!" Zhu Chang is far away from spitting blood. This Zhu Chang’s body is full of vitality after being washed by Wan Lingqi. Sun Chi left his hand with this punch, although he interrupted many ribs of Zhu Chang, but he did not faint.
That Zhu Chang gnashed his teeth and took out a magic sword when he was about to cast a spell, but he listened to Feng’s binge drinking. "Stop it, everyone. It’s a shame."
Chapter 339 Congenital Lei Shou trail

That is to say, seemingly young and smiling, Sun Haosun Chenxiang has vaguely surpassed the strength of the true king in the middle of Yuanying. It is really unbelievable if it is not seen with my own eyes.

Elder Weibai was also besieged by unknown monks or spirit beasts.
Moreover, this should also be the result of Aquilaria sinensis’s long-planned nonsense with the elders.
The war situation instantly developed in a favorable direction, and the big fellow monks couldn’t help but see the hope of winning. They fought vigorously and the war continued in the wilderness.
The elder Wei Baiyin, who was entangled in blood fog and carpet, still came out. "What a Sun Haosun agarwood actually ambushed the seat. It’s really vicious, but Sun Haosun agarwood, are you now in control? Just two mid-term true gentleman can endure me and give me a break … "
Roar out from the carpet and blood fog package.
Weibai’s body suddenly and violently increased, and soon his height has become more than three or four feet, and he suddenly shook the last broken word export. At the same time, his hands and feet were qi qi and he suddenly opened a glittering golden bell and rushed out.
Poop, poop, poop, the carpet flew out of bursts of blood, splashed away and quickly retracted to the ground.
And blood fog is also strongly swing away.
Weibai front suddenly burst into laughter, and an ancient demon with six arms, black hair and purple pupil stood on the spot.
My arms clasped and my hands held in my golden bell, and my last hands smiled at Sun Hao at a distance. "The agarwood is not bad, but it’s actually forced out of the seat. General Jin Ribu Jin Yue has seen the agarwood. Hahaha, today’s World War I agarwood really gave me a lot of surprises …"
Sun Hao smiled. "General Jin Yue is good at repairing his strength. I didn’t expect that the underworld is really willing to give up blood. The East side has sent such a strong strength. I wonder if your Golden Day Department will be completely worthless if I leave your department here?"
General Jin Yue’s face has a bit of resentment, but it also has a bit of nai. "It’s okay to say that all of my Golden Day Department is still forced by agarwood today. If agarwood didn’t defeat the northwest, our Golden Day Department wouldn’t want to go to they nest, but if agarwood wants to keep my Golden Day elite today, it depends on whether you have that."
Two people talking Corleone around a bloody child got up and took a chapter for himself, and Bai Guangshan recovered quickly from his injury.
On the other side of Sun Hao, blood, fog and flowing water floated to turn into a stunning beauty with a smile on her face. The jade hand around Sun Hao smiled and said, "The main incarnate son luckily didn’t fail to accomplish a mission and got this thing for you."
Sun Hao took the national luck dragon column with a smile on his face and said, "The charm son has worked hard for this battle, and the charm son should make the first contribution."
Luo Mei smiled more brightly than the flowers. "It should all be the Lord. What is that stupid demon that has not been white yet?"
The Golden Moon Magic will see Sun Hao’s national luck dragon column for a stay and look at his waist only to find that there is already such a thing.
Instantly, the magic of the golden moon will come to heaven in vain and laugh. "Sun Haosun agarwood, you calculated so much and listened to so much nonsense from me. It turned out that you wanted this broken thing. Ha ha ha, if I had known this, Sun Haosun agarwood, you told me this broken thing was not for me. You just wanted me to send you. Ha ha, Sun Haosun agarwood, you are so funny …"
Sun Hao slowly shook his head and shook his wrist to put away the Dragon Column of the National Games, only to find that the roots could not be put into the bag.
Golden Moon Magic will find Sun Hao moving and laughing. "That stupid thing is so heavy that it can’t be put into the bag of agarwood. Are you disappointed now and agarwood? Don’t take away the national luck dragon column, which will make Zhaowen come true again. dragon day told you that you can’t keep his name without complicated procedures. Hahahaha agarwood are you disappointed again …"
Sun Hao heard the words and looked at Emperor Zhaowen.
Emperor Zhao Wendi nodded and said, "It’s agarwood. I’m afraid I won’t be able to do it in a short time, and it’s even hard to take effect again."
With that, Emperor Zhaowen bowed to Sun Hao and said, "But if you talk about it, you have to thank Aquilaria, my big fellow, for taking back the national treasure of the town."
Brother Fang Dahan is still fighting the magic repair, but the battlefield here is briefly calm for a while.
The confrontation between the enemy and ourselves is ready to go.
The agarwood sword flew back
Three magic generals from the Golden Sun Department drove the magic circle, and several monks in front of Weibai also finally reached the elder’s side.
Jin Yuemo will Wei Bai laugh "agarwood, can you dig your mind to recapture the dragon pillar of national luck?" Without the dragon column, your altar will lose its effect, and the emperor is no longer a real dragon body. What else can you do to cheer the big fellow up? How can you mend this lucky Tianzhu? Ha, ha, ha, it won’t take two months for my army of the underworld to rush into Anyang and completely destroy this lucky Tianzhu. Ha, ha, ha, what else can you do? "
Corleone smiled and threw a national dragon column to Wang Yuan.
Wang Yuan’s body sank slightly and caught the dragon column, so he casually bowed his waist.
Sun Hao ignored the Golden Moon Magic Commander but bowed slightly to Emperor Zhao Wendi and said with a smile, "There is one thing about Aquilaria here, please forgive the Emperor."
Zhao Wendi slightly one leng "? Aquilaria please speak. "
Now Zhao Wendi has felt that Sun Hao’s actual combat power is unconsciously polite when he doesn’t speak for himself.
Sun Hao smiled. "The emperor didn’t know that the so-called real dragon’s zhenyun solution is just a false agarwood. Please forgive the emperor."
Emperor Zhao Wen stayed for a while
Gold month magic will Weibai is also a stay.
Is the real dragon zhenyun Dafa a fake?
How is that possible?
"Is this agarwood a joke?" Emperor Zhao Wendi hesitated for a moment and asked, "How can the agarwood method, which has a vibration effect after casting spells, be illusory?"
Sun Hao smiled and said, "The emperor’s agarwood deliberately built a high platform to cast a dragon column, but it was just a virtual situation that attracted people. The elder really stood up to agarwood’s expectations."
Gold on the magic will face become angry from embarrassment expression mouth also big drink a way "how is that possible? Sun Haosun Chenxiang, I didn’t appear until your Dafa came into effect. What do you mean by saying this now? "
Sun Hao forefinger stretched out and smiled indifferently and said, "I mean, it doesn’t need any dragon pillar to destroy Tianzhu, so-called dragon pillar to destroy it at the same time. Actually, it doesn’t need the emperor’s real dragon body agarwood to make the big fellow’s luck soar …"
With that, the forefinger flicked a little and rushed into the clouds.
The virtual shadow of the golden dragon seems to be very hungry, but the momentum is much better with the little Mars entering the belly.
Jin Yuemo suddenly changed his face and drank violently in his mouth. "Sun Haosun Chenxiang, what the hell are you doing?"
Sun Hao smiled and ignored the Golden Moon Magic Sword, but said to Emperor Zhao Wendi, "The Great Immortal Aquilaria doesn’t have these empty sets, but it needs the help of the monks to get in touch with the real yuan, which can make my big fellow have a hundred times the spirit of the dragon."
With that, a small flame rose from the forefinger. Sun Hao smiled and looked at Wei Bai. "Elder, do you feel very sour now?"
Wei Bai has the feeling that IQ is suppressed, and at the same time, he also has a feeling of being trapped.
It seems that he was caught by Sun Haosun agarwood.
I couldn’t help cursing "Damn it!"
Chapter DiYiSanLiu agarwood strength
Looking at Sun Hao’s fingertips, Zhao Wendi also has a feeling of falling into a dream.
For a long time, Sun Haosun Chenxiang performed a scene, and the monarch himself was actually regarded as an untrue extras.
However, the performance was good and the biggest fish in Wang Ting was caught.
Looking back on the big fellow Wang Ting’s war situation, he was suppressed at every key moment, but his strength was not much worse than that of the inferno, but he was suppressed by living and living, and the imperial city could not move. It was because of the magic rape.
The elder is actually the incarnation of the ancient demon, which really makes Emperor Zhao feel glad that he was not killed by the plot against him.
Now Zhao Wendi has a look at the monk Sun Hao’s heart and settle down a little.
Although the strength of the inferno Jin Ribu is very strong, the monks around Aquilaria are not weak, so they should be able to withstand the situation of their big fellow and should not collapse.
Emperor Zhao Wendi had a great feeling in his heart. I didn’t expect that the fate of the handsome man was at the critical moment when the southern continent came to help several monks.
Wei Bai was led by Sun Hao’s design, but his face was blue and white, but his mood gradually calmed down. "Aquilaria is really a good means to design Pepe’s vestige, but Sun Hao Sun Aquilaria even if you lead us out, what can you do? Nice to admit that you are very powerful, but … "
Jin Yuemo quickly judged Wei Bai and finally recovered from the calculation. "But I finally found the East Pole Tianzhu Hahahaha Sun Haosun Chenxiang. You didn’t expect this result yourself, did you?"
Corleone smiled "Ma generals are so brainless? I have never found the East Pole Tianzhu. You have found it. Why don’t you tell me? "
The Golden Moon Devil will roar with laughter. "What a mindless evaluation! I will do a mindless thing for you today."
"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, thousand shouldn’t be Sun Hao, Sun Chen Xiang. You shouldn’t let me find out that the fate of Tianzhu is now completely broken for you. See how you are?"
During his speech, the inferno monks around him flew up and flew at a rapid pace, and all kinds of spells poured out, causing ripples in the sky.
Emperor Zhao Wen suddenly yelled, "Dare a thief?"
Fly and intercept the inferno monk, but the attack power in his hand is involuntarily slightly convergent.
After all, according to Wei Bai, the sky is what the East Pole Tianzhu is, but the magic needs to destroy the target. Emperor Zhaowen naturally has a little boat.
In the sky, the golden dragon flashed and showed its true identity. At the same time, a monk should be the Buddhist teacher who presided over the large array of Anyang City. "Don’t try to prevent me."
In the golden dragon transformed by fate, the ripples in the body flashed across Anyang City, and the protective array was opened to resist the magic from the side attack.