

1. 增强免疫力:水煮桃子中的维生素C具有增强免疫力的作用,能有效抵抗病毒和细菌的侵袭。同时,桃子中的矿物质和抗氧化物质也能帮助提高免疫力,预防感冒等疾病。

2. 延缓衰老:水煮桃子中的抗氧化物质可以清除体内的自由基,延缓细胞衰老。此外,桃子中的钾元素有助于维持神经、肌肉的正常功能,防止衰老。

3. 保护心血管:水煮桃子中的钾元素有助于调节血压,预防高血压。同时,桃子中的维生素和矿物质也能降低胆固醇,保护心血管健康。

4. 利尿消肿:水煮桃子具有利尿消肿的作用,对于水肿、浮肿等症状有一定的缓解作用。此外,桃子中的纤维素有助于促进肠道蠕动,预防便秘。

5. 健胃消食:水煮桃子具有健胃消食的作用,对于消化不良、食欲不振等症状有一定的改善作用。桃子中的果胶成分能吸附肠道内的有害物质,帮助消化。

6. 美容养颜:水煮桃子中的维生素和矿物质具有美容养颜的作用,能够滋养肌肤,使皮肤更加细腻有光泽。

7. 缓解疲劳:水煮桃子中的碳水化合物可以为人体提供能量,缓解疲劳。同时,桃子中的矿物质和维生素也有助于恢复体力。




1. 补脾益气:生甘草能够补益心气,用于心气虚、心悸怔忡、脉结代等症状;同时,还能补脾胃之气,治疗脾胃气虚、倦怠乏力等。

2. 祛痰止咳:生甘草具有止咳化痰作用,适用于气管炎、肺气肿等疾病引起的咳嗽痰多、气喘、黏痰不易排出等症状。

3. 缓急止痛:生甘草可用于治疗胃痛、腹痛及腓肠肌挛急疼痛等,常与芍药同用,如芍药甘草汤,能显著增强治挛急疼痛的疗效。

4. 清热解毒:生甘草具有清热解毒功效,适用于痈疽疮疡、咽喉肿痛、湿毒等症状,有抗菌消炎作用。此外,生甘草还可用于减少其他中药的解毒作用。


1. 补中益气:炙甘草在补脾益气方面优于生甘草,适用于脾胃虚弱、倦怠乏力、心动悸、脉结代等症状。

2. 缓急止痛:炙甘草具有缓急止痛作用,适用于脾胃虚弱、心悸气短等症状。

3. 抗心律失常:现代药理学研究发现,炙甘草在对抗心律失常方面效果优于生甘草。

4. 抗微生物、抗炎、镇咳、祛痰、解毒等作用:炙甘草含有多种有效成分,如甘草酸、甘草皂苷等,具有抗微生物、延长血浆复钙时间、抑制血小板聚集、降低血清和肝脏胆固醇和血脂、提高磷脂含量、保肝、抗炎、镇咳、祛痰、解毒、影响药物代谢、抗氧化等作用。

















1. 多样化食用:黄豆和黑豆可以做成豆浆、豆腐、豆皮等美食,也可以搭配其他食材,如小米、红薯等,制作成粥、饭等。

2. 适量食用:黄豆和黑豆虽好,但过量食用也可能导致不适。建议成年人每天食用30-50克黄豆或黑豆。

3. 注意烹饪方法:烹饪黄豆和黑豆时,尽量采用蒸、煮、炖等方法,避免油炸,以保留更多的营养成分。

4. 注意搭配:黄豆和黑豆可以与富含膳食纤维的食物搭配,如糙米、玉米等,有助于消化吸收。





1. 准备材料:燕窝3克,红豆50克,冰糖适量。

2. 将燕窝用清水泡发,去除杂质,备用。

3. 红豆用清水浸泡约30分钟,捞出备用。

4. 将泡发好的燕窝和红豆一同放入锅中,加入适量清水。

5. 大火煮沸后,转小火慢炖约1小时。

6. 待红豆煮至软烂,加入适量冰糖调味。

7. 炖至冰糖溶化,即可关火。

8. 将炖好的红豆燕窝盛出,待冷却后即可食用。


1. 补血养颜:红豆富含铁质,能够有效补血养颜,使气色红润。

2. 滋阴润燥:燕窝具有养阴润燥的功效,能够改善肌肤干燥、粗糙等问题。

3. 健脾开胃:红豆燕窝食谱能够促进食欲,改善消化不良的症状。

4. 润肺止咳:对于患有咳嗽、哮喘等呼吸道疾病的人来说,这款食谱具有很好的缓解作用。

5. 抗衰老:燕窝中含有丰富的胶原蛋白,能够帮助女性抵抗衰老,保持肌肤弹性和光泽。









1. 滋补生津:白木耳含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪和多种氨基酸、矿物质及肝糖,具有滋补生津的作用。

2. 保护肝脏:白木耳中的氨基酸和多糖能修复受损的肝细胞,提高肝脏解毒功能,保护肝脏。

3. 健脑益智:白木耳中含有丰富的微量元素磷,能加快人体内卵磷脂和脑磷脂的合成,营养脑神经。

4. 补铁:白木耳含有丰富的铁元素,能预防缺铁性贫血,起到养血驻颜的作用。

5. 镇咳化痰:白木耳能去除肺热,帮助化痰止咳,缓解气管痉挛。





1. 增强免疫力:侧柏精油具有抗氧化、抗菌、抗病毒等多重功效,可以帮助人体增强免疫力,抵御各种疾病侵袭。

2. 缓解呼吸道疾病:侧柏精油具有镇静作用,可以缓解呼吸道疾病引起的不适感。将数滴侧柏精油滴入蒸汽中,然后深呼吸,可以有效缓解支气管炎、哮喘等疾病。

3. 改善睡眠质量:侧柏精油具有安抚情绪、减轻压力的作用,有助于改善睡眠质量。在睡前熏香或涂抹侧柏精油,可以帮助您放松身心,进入深度睡眠。

4. 抗菌消炎:侧柏精油富含黄酮类物质和挥发油等成分,具有较强的抗菌消炎作用。将侧柏精油与椰子油稀释后涂抹于皮肤,可以缓解痤疮、湿疹、皮肤炎等皮肤病。

5. 改善情绪:侧柏精油具有镇静和安抚作用,可以舒缓紧张情绪,减轻压力和焦虑。在日常生活中,您可以通过熏香或涂抹侧柏精油来缓解压力,保持心情愉悦。


1. 适量使用:侧柏精油虽好,但过量使用可能导致不良反应。在使用时,请按照说明书或专业人士的建议进行。

2. 稀释使用:侧柏精油浓度较高,直接涂抹于皮肤可能引起刺激或过敏。在使用时,请与基础油稀释后涂抹。

3. 孕妇慎用:孕妇在使用侧柏精油时需谨慎,最好在医生指导下使用。


"It’s my turn to go to the Acropolis for a rain today." Bath Moon lowered his head.

The young man nodded. He looked at the wind soul and asked faintly, "What is the name of this brother Aochang in Nanhai?"
Bath on rob said "his name is the wind soul …"
The wind soul smiled and took the words, "I am an idle person in the wild."
Ao often dazed his body Nanhai Dragon is too natural to see at a glance that the wind soul is a mortal, but such a mortal actually lives in the wilderness, which naturally makes him not confused, but he didn’t ask much, but talked lightly, which made the big fellow leave.
See AoChangFei far bath month this just peace of mind to want to let Ying Zhao continue to fly forward.
Who knows that the big fellow suddenly turned his head and stepped on the virtual cold to drink a "wait a minute"
Chapter IV Arctic God of War
This drink was like a thunderbolt, and the wind and soul were almost deaf.
The big fellow stepped through the clouds and stared straight at the wind soul. "What are you hiding?"
When he asked this question, the wind soul immediately remembered the jade in his body. Although Mu Gong once said that this jade was ominous, he was not at ease. Seeing this guy politely asked him, he couldn’t help but get angry and said coldly, "You fart matter!"
The big fellow was furious
Ao Chang also flew up and quickly introduced to the wind soul, "This is the general of the Arctic God of War in the Western Taiji Emperor, and Brother Feng is unreasonable."
Ao Chang is not fond of the wind soul, but the wind soul. After all, he is traveling with the moon bath, and he is afraid that the moon bath will be implicated to wake up the wind soul.
The wind soul doesn’t know much about the celestial fairy order, but it doesn’t feel that any little girl has turned pale.
The Arctic God of War Fu Xijin is a five-pole God of War in the Western Emperor’s throne-the Western Emperor has always been cruel and easy to kill the pretentious East Emperor’s abdication. Although the Western Tai Chi Emperor knows that he can become a new emperor, he hopes that the heaven can return to the situation of four emperors in ancient times, but he does not want the Yuan Emperor to surrender the decree. The four royal jade emperors have always been in the ranks, and the emperor has been soaring, which makes the Tai Chi Emperor very dissatisfied.
Although the Jade Emperor ascended the throne of heaven, after all, he was inexperienced and unstable. Knowing that the Western Emperor made things difficult everywhere, he endured it again and again, which made the Tai Chi Emperor more arrogant and successful. If Hu Fei had not been the Eastern Emperor, although he abdicated, the Western Emperor would have taken the five-pole god of war and marshal to give birth to trouble.
It is the return of the Eastern Emperor to the void, that is, a group of immortals in heaven saw that the Jade Emperor knew how to endure, and the Western Emperor was arrogant and did not think of a way out. Some of them secretly colluded with the Western Emperor to save their lives.
Bathing in the moon is a wild land, and she knows many things in heaven like the back of her hand. Seeing that Ao Chang is so sensitive, it is even more secretly frightening to walk together with the Arctic God of War.
Although the little girl is frightened, she is not at ease. If this guy is a celestial chengguan, he may still be afraid of something like the Arctic God of War and the Antarctic bear. He has never heard of it or understood it. Look at The Journey to the West. A monkey drilled out of a stone can beat the Jade Emperor and dare not come out at the bottom of the dragon chair. These God of War gods are just putting aside as background role actors.
See the wind soul a pair of full sample arctic ares operator XiJin nu hum a hand a finger.
The wind soul felt a trace of fluorescence overflow from his body, and he consciously took out jade and observed that it was it that gave off fluorescence.
"Is it actually Qinglong Gui?" The Arctic God of War stretched out his hand at the sight of a bright jade.
This jade originally belonged to the wind, zhi Xin, and the wind soul naturally didn’t want to be taken away. I was impatient and took a hard shot, and I rushed to the distance in pain.
The Arctic God of War was furious and set aside his back axe. Suddenly, his figure became huge, and he chopped at the wind and the moon.
Ao often worried about hurting the moon, and quickly shouted, "General Fu, show mercy!"
However, Fu Xijin-gen regarded Ao Chang as exclaiming that it was nothing for him to kill a mortal and a jade girl, not to mention Ao Chang’s dissuasion or the West Sea Dragon King, which he didn’t care about.
Bath moon didn’t expect the wind soul to dare to resist the North Pole God of War, and hurriedly shouted "Hold me tight"
The wind soul quickly hugged the little girl’s waist. The Arctic God of War said that he would kill her. To his surprise, he stayed in the wilderness for more than a year and listened to the bath month. Speaking of it, he felt that this is also a rule in heaven, and that is also a rule. The law is strict and there are many commandments, but I didn’t expect to meet a war god casually, but he said that he would kill her and not look at human life.
See xuanhua axe chopping bath month from Ying Zhao back leap into a pink dragon fly straight to the lower place behind her Ying Zhao was chopped into two pieces by the axe to pour blood rain.
At this time, the wind soul also secretly regretted that he didn’t expect the other party to be serious. Although this jade is zhi Xin, if it is such a dead thing, it will kill itself and bathe in the moon.
The dragon that changed from the bath moon flew very fast, but Fu Xijin turned into a hill-like giant, and every step he took was followed by several feet.
Seeing this murderer chase the wind soul, he hurriedly put Jade into his pocket and took out several pieces of chess hall to escape from the law. He threw chess in the middle and made it into seven stars, creating a blue barrier.
When the Arctic God of War chopped the blue barrier with an axe, the mountains and rivers shook and all animals sang together.
The wind soul looked back and saw that the blue barrier had been split out of a crack and could not help but feel discouraged.
He doesn’t know that Fu Xijin is also a big surprise at this moment. Although Fu Xijin, the seat of Tai Chi Emperor, is not the strongest, but in terms of pure strength, people can beat him. He has a split mountain in his hand. He once compared himself with Xingtian, the ancient god of war. Even if he doesn’t Xingtian, he will never differ much.
However, the other person is a mortal who conjures up a barrier with his hands. He split the law and broke Fu Xijin. Although he is quite arrogant and arrogant, he is not ignorant. He immediately recognizes that the wind and soul are what Taiyi is doing to save the suffering, and he can’t help but secretly blame himself for being reckless.
The Dragon King of the Four Seas may not look into his eyes, but even the Emperor Tai Chi dare not provoke the immortal Taoist school easily. It is never easy for a mortal to make Taiyi Taoist school naturally have great origins.
It’s already done. If Fu Xijin stops here, he’s afraid of being laughed at. If people know that a mortal can escape from him, then he still has face to compare with Xingtian? Besides, Qinglong Gui is what the Western Emperor craves. If you can grab it, it will be a great achievement for Fu Xijin. Even if you have offended the Eastern Emperor, anyway, the Eastern Emperor is no longer the Emperor of Heaven and can still take him if he returns to emptiness.
Fu Xijin sneer repeatedly split three axes to break the blue barrier and catch up with the wind and soul bath month.
Behind Fu Xijin, Tai Ao, the dragon in the South China Sea, always knew that the Arctic God of War had moved to kill his heart, but he could not help secretly complaining, but he could also resist chasing after him, hoping to save his life at least.
Feng Soul also knows that the situation is very continuous, and he has used the escape method. But after all, he has studied for more than a year, and his ability is limited. Can he compete with the Western Emperor? Before you know it, you have been approached by this murderer.
Fu Xijin is pouring an axe into the sky again.
Seeing that the situation is critical, the wind soul will throw all kinds of implements at Fu Xijin. At that time, the wind and thunder are mixed with dark clouds, but this is just to block the power of the mountain axe.
Nai Feng’s soul jumps out of the dragon vest and thinks Fu Xijin. Since if it is him, he might as well throw himself to die and let Yu Yue escape. However, Yu Yue will roll up the dragon body and turn around at the same time, which is to block the blow for the wind soul himself.
"General can’t" Aochanghua Black Dragon really rushed to stop the giant axe from bathing in the moon.
Although it’s not as good as looking at the dragon in the South China Sea, Fu Xijin, after all, has something for him to do, but he doesn’t really want to split the mountain axe and draw a curve to bypass Ao Chang’s virtual blow. The Linglie strong breeze hit the moon body and immediately shocked her to spit out blood.
Bathing the moon with the wind and soul went straight down. Fortunately, it was a big river at the bottom. They fell into the river and splashed.
"Stop me?" The Arctic God of War glared at the black dragon.
Ao Chang hurriedly said, "Bath Moon is my fiancee, and please show mercy to the general."
Fu Xijin snorted and fell to the river. He wanted to search for the trace of the wind soul of the bath moon. Although the way was not much better than the wind soul, it was a dragon dragon that entered the mountains, but he was blocked by Ao Chang, but he was escaped by the wind soul of the bath moon.
After some time, he escaped from the Arctic God of War by such a small role. Xi Jin was very angry. He sneered and looked at Ao Chang with disdain. "Your fiancee is playing around with other men. You can still look at it and indulge them. If the dragons are losers like you, it is no wonder that they can keep the four seas and be slaughtered by heaven."
Ao Chang can smile inwardly.
Bath Moon is his fiancee in name, but after all, she is over 300 years old, which is of course a long time for mortals, but for dragons, she is just a child. Plus, she is a wild girl. Even if she makes any mistakes, she has the right to control her. Unlike Fu Xijin, he doesn’t have the Tai Chi emperor to protect the name of Dragon Tai in the South China Sea at any time. Although he listens to the prestige, not many people in heaven really take it seriously. Don’t say that the wild girl is too small. Any girl walks up to him and he can talk to them in a good way to prevent them from being
Knowing that Fu Xijin is angry at him, it happened that Ao Chang was afraid to speak against him. Listen to Fu Xijin’s abusive language and secretly complain that this little girl in Bath Moon is not sensible …
The wind soul carried the bath moon back into a small forest and looked at the sky secretly complaining.
Bath month although the dragon took him to escape along the mountains for a while, but after all, he was seriously injured by Fu Xijin’s axe wind and became a little girl again. Long Lin also turned into a pink skirt and fell to the shore in a coma.
The wind soul looked into the distance and saw the clouds in the mountains. Obviously, the Arctic God of War was still looking for them, so that he could carry the moon back here and take out black and white chess to echo each other and hide them in the forest.
This is the "smoke lock cloud array" of CCBA, and I don’t know whether this law can help them hide their shape. Fortunately, he saw Fu Xi stepping on the clouds several times, although he also checked this, but he did not find that they turned away.
Ao Chang doesn’t match Xijin’s side.
Fu Xijin also knew that Bath Moon had been seriously injured, but the wind soul was obviously lacking in practice. The two men were bound to be unable to run far, so they sent Ao Chang away from him and continued their search along the river bank.
Ao Chang guessed Fu Xijin’s plan, but he was afraid to violate it. He really had something to leave in Nanhai Nai.
The wind and the soul will bathe the moon flat on the grass, but there is no scar on the moon’s body, but there is blood on her mouth. Obviously, she was hurt by the strong wind. He doesn’t know how much this little girl has been hurt. Although there are some ways to remember the fairy family’s medical skills, he has never learned those elixirs and herbs. Since he is unnatural, he won’t think of always preparing some.
After all, he is from a relatively peaceful future. Even if a vicious incident is reported, it is not that the urban management hits people and the builders forcibly demolish them. How can there be any sense of safety? This is a real medicine. When the time comes, we will hate less and know earlier. Those elixirs might as well catch more things that we want to be immortal. Even if we can’t cure the injury, it will never kill people like the expired vaccine and poisoned milk powder in his time.

Dozens of actresses looked at each other and became more puzzled. At this time, a drummer waved his arm and began to beat the drum hard. Soon, Yu Lingren also started to ring the bell, ring the bell and blow the suona. At that time, the noise in Chengtou was all over his ears. This is not music. This is fatal!

The musicians are blowing the rhythm at random, but Wang Renze is laughing. It seems that this is the sound of nature. Soon, Chengtou is restless and Pei Hangyan, who will be hired by Qiu Hang, frowned and said, "What is Wang Renze doing? Is it crazy?"
QiuHangGong is narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at ChengTou way "Wang Renze is quite kind to see me here to dig a deep pit to chat, so send a performer to entertain"
Pei Hangyan sneered, "Wang Ren is so carefree that he will look good sooner or later!"
"Hey hey, at most, the tiger prison will change hands on the 10th." QiuHangGong laughed.
"General Qiu, what do you mean?" Peihang Yanyan unknowingly strange asked
Qiu Hangguan smiled two times. He had guessed something, but he was not sure. He didn’t say that there was a reason for it. Qiu Hanggong coughed, "Old Qiu, I want to do this. There is a reason for it!" Then he looked up and looked at the heaven. "The west wind is getting sharper and sharper, and it will snow soon."
Then a soldier suddenly shouted, "Ah, it’s leaking!" Pei Xingyan leaned over and saw that it turned out to be a broken spring. The spring water suddenly rushed out and risked the water. In the future, all the soldiers were wet, and everyone fled the spring water from the ground. Soon, the pit was filled with more than a foot deep. "Don’t be afraid to continue digging to lead the spring water there!" Qiu Hanggong said that Sui Jun continued to dig and lead the water to a lower-lying place. The spring water ran happily along the ravine. Soon, the spring water in the deep pit was gradually exhausted. Sui Jun jumped into the deep pit and continued to dig. This time, with the spring water to moisten the soil, it was easier to dig and the progress was faster. On this day, the Sui army led the spring water twice and dug the deep pit more than three feet deep-27.
Chapter 34 Save my life
In a blink of an eye, the weather is getting colder and colder in the past few days. The soldiers are all wearing thick clothes, and the army is mostly wearing leather armor. Sui Jun is still struggling to dig Yang You’s troops to patrol and check the progress every day. At this time, the deep pit has been dug more than ten feet deep, and the more rocks there are, the more difficult it is to dig, and the spring water is gradually decreasing with the deepening of excavation. On the last day, the spring water almost did not gush.
Yang You was quite satisfied with the result. He knew that the time was coming to capture the tiger prison. He immediately summoned Huang Yun and asked him to try to inform Liu Rengui and Dai Zhou to prepare for the event.
At this time, the city was in chaos as expected by Yang You. Wang Renze got up early in the morning and Qinbing told him that there was no water in the well, which surprised Wang Renze. Although it is winter now, he has been in Tiger Prison for a long time, but there is no shortage of water. Why is it this year?
Perhaps one or two wells were short of water. Wang Renze thought about immediately ordering Qinbing to look around. Soon it came to the news that the water level of all wells in Tiger Prison suddenly dropped to a dry well. At this time, the military and civilians in the city were clamoring for people to eat and drink more. How can we not let the military and civilians in Tiger Prison panic?
Wang Renze wondered how there was no water suddenly last night. Suddenly, it occurred to him that the lack of water was caused by them. Wang Renze hasn’t figured out a way. Zheng Jiang, such as Guo Shancai and Wang Shilong, will come one after another.
Everyone shouted at Wang Renze and said, "It’s a big thing that the king of Tang suddenly lacked water."
Wang Renze glanced at the man and thought, Do you need to wake up? But Wang Renze didn’t say that he frowned and thought, "There is no water in the well all of a sudden. This thing is really strange. We must find a way to investigate and understand what is going on, but there is one thing to do besides investigating clearly and really."
Dai Zhou nodded silently. At this time, he had got the news and knew what was going on.
"Water shortage is a fact. Now, to stabilize the morale of the army, we need to find a way to get water. Sui Jun has been stationed in the east and can go to Xixuanmen to get water." Wang Renze said that there are more than 10,000 soldiers in Tiger Prison and their families. In addition, there are some business people. It is not a packet that adds up to about 30,000 people who need water.
Guo Shancai and Wang Shilong nodding obviously agree with Wang Renze’s statement.
Wang Renze glanced at the crowd and wanted to think, "I’ll leave the water delivery in Guo Jiangjun to you. I’ll give you three thousand horses. It’s necessary to send two thousand barrels of water before sunset today." Two thousand barrels of water is not much, but it’s not easy to send two thousand barrels of water in a hurry.
"hey!" Guo Shancai replied.
Wang Renze added, "Be careful all the way to Guo Jiangjun."
Guo Shancai arch hand back out.
Wang Renze couldn’t think of a better way at the moment, but he frowned and thought hard, but he still couldn’t think of any better way
Dai Zhou said aside, "Tang Wang’s humble position is short of water. Why don’t Sui people send troops to find out?"
"Sui people are scheming!" Wang Shilong quickly said that he was afraid of being cheated.
Wang Renze’s heart moved. He also guessed that some water shortages should be found in the Sui army, but he knew that Sui Jun was digging outside and didn’t know what was happening outside. Dai Yi’s words made him feel a little moved, but Wang Renze felt that he couldn’t take the Sui army when Wang Shilong said this.
"Although the Sui people are scheming, they must not let Sui Jun continue to dig like this, otherwise it will be even more short of water." Dai Zhou woke up
Wang Renze narrowed his eyes and thought for a moment. After that, Wang Renze understood that the purpose outside Sui Jun City was not to dig tunnels, but to divert water. Sui Jun lowered the water level by digging deep pits, so the tiger prison was on a higher ground, so there was no water in the well.
Thought of this, Wang Renze scolded a "despicable" in his heart. Although he thought so, Wang Renze had to face this serious problem. Since Sui Jun’s plot is understood, we must find a way to restrain it. Otherwise, it is difficult to transport water from the Xuanmen Gate because the Xuanmen Gate is also relatively high in terrain, and the well water is enough for soldiers and civilians to eat. It is a palliative and incurable method to transport water from the Xuanmen Gate.
Wang Ren thought for a moment and then made a decision. "General Wang, tonight you take 500 people out of the city to see what Yang You is doing. Remember not to startle him!"
Wang Shilong rolled his eyes and nodded and said, "Here!"
Wang Renze waved his hand and said, "You all go away. You want to be quiet."
The generals retired, and Dai Zhou approached Wang Shilong intentionally. Although Wang Shilong looked worried, Wang Renze showed great confidence and was full of disdain for Yang You, but actually Wang Shilong had heard about the achievements of the Sui Dynasty. Sui Junping savagely destroyed Xiao Liang and captured Yu culture. Megatron had long ago, not to mention the losing streak. Wang Shilong was a paper tiger. The surface was arrogant and very weak than it was.
But before Wang Renze, Wang Shilong didn’t dare to sayno. He had to promise to come. The thought of leaving the city tonight made Wang Shilong very nervous. There is no doubt that Sui Jun must be deployed outside. If he goes out of the city and meets Sui Jun, isn’t it a meat bag to beat the dog?
Dai Zhou approached Wang Shilong with a motionless look and said, "Congratulations to General Wang and congratulations to General Wang."
Wang Shilong was stunned when he heard this. "Does General Dai like it?"
"The king of Tang values the general so much that if he leads his troops out of the city tonight, he will be able to find out the truth. If he solves the problem of water shortage, the king of Tang will reward him heavily. The apprentice is just around the corner." Dai Zhou narrowed his eyes and smiled with envy.
"alas!" Wang Shilong coughed for a moment or so and looked at the way, "General Dai, please go to my humble abode for a chat."
Dai Zhou walked out of the mansion side by side with a smile and walked towards Wang Shilong’s mansion. After a fragrant incense, everyone stopped at Wang Shilong’s palace to jump on the horse and handed the reins to Qinbing Arch. "Please, General Dai!"
"Please!" Dai Zhou also said
The two entered the Wangfu Wang Shilong and Dai Zhou entered a room. Wang Shilong suddenly bent his eyebrows and gave a deep hand. "General Dai taught me?"
Dai Zhou couldn’t help but take two steps back to help Wang Shilong, saying, "Isn’t General Wang such a big gift a disgrace to me?"
"My life is in the hands of General Dai, and it is natural for the general to bear it!" Wang Shilong looked serious.

Li Cheng is not guilty, but he still nodded. "Almost a month ago, this fellow eldest brother left a message in the room and remanded your ring."

Li ye exclaimed, "what, then what, don’t give it back to him!" Didn’t I say that we owe this man 100,000 contribution points? When he comes to beg for it, he must pay it back in full. "
"Is there anything else I don’t know about it!"
Li Cheng stepped back and said, "It’s all the eldest brother’s idea. He said that this fellow was mysterious, and at that time, you were making a fuss. Eldest brother didn’t tell you about it."
Li Ye shook his head "confused! Confused! "
"At that time, the family was bigger than this person, and he would never be slow to do things. This kind of person could be friends or enemies, thinking that one day he would beg for arrears and I would try my best to win over."
"If there is such a character, we can ignore what the Li family does and what the Xiao family does."
"But now you you …"
Li Ye was so angry that he couldn’t speak. Finally, he clenched his fist and knocked on the door frame.
Li Cheng said with a wry smile, "What do you think we should do now?"
Li Ye Avenue "What else can I do? Hurry up and raise the money he wants. No matter when it is borrowed, we must send the money to his place before the evening, otherwise the boss may not come back."
Li Cheng took a puff at the air conditioning. "This is not a small sum of money. A total of 500,000 contribution points. Taking it out is equal to paying half of our family’s assets."
"And our current working capital is less than 200,000 yuan, leaving 300,000 yuan. I am afraid that I will owe a lot of people and even sell some industries in such a short time."
Li Ye spread out his hand and said, "So you mean whether big brother lives or dies?"
Li Cheng wryly said, "How come? But I don’t think otherwise, we can join Dong Fang Dong’s adult. If there is an iron wall, maybe we can save the eldest brother, keep this contribution and cut off the death in one fell swoop."
"This is killing three birds with one stone."
Li Ye immediately denied, "No, it’s too risky. If something goes wrong in the middle link, eldest brother’s life will be lost. Besides, can Dong Fang’s adult protect us for a while?"
"If we don’t catch death on the spot, we will be in trouble in the future."
Li Cheng also wants to say Li Ye "That’s enough, old three! In this case, when the big brother’s life is more important, let’s talk about you and me separately and prepare to contribute to the rescue of big brother! "
Li Cheng laughed bitterly. "All right."
He came out, but the corridor snorted.
In a flash, the next afternoon.
After running around all night last night, plus today’s daytime, I finally managed to scrape together 500 thousand contribution points at this time
Now this bearer account card with a huge sum of money is in the hands of Li Ye.
Li Ye put the card away and looked at Li Cheng and Cai Er. He said, "I will go by myself today to show sincerity. You can wait for news at home."
But then someone came to report that "the second master and the third master Dong Fangdong’s adult came"
Li Ye’s face suddenly looked at Li Cheng.
Li Chengshen said, "Second, don’t blame me for being independent. This matter is very important today. This fellow dares to let the Li family be presumptuous and will not threaten its family someday."
"We Li family can’t be so selfish. We have to consider it, and Dong Fang’s adult has promised that he will try his best to catch this daring god of death!"
Li Ye trembled with anger. "What are you doing, third child?"
A burst of laughter rang out from the door.
"What else can Master Li want to do? Naturally, it’s for the sake of his family. What’s worse, our iron wall has always been responsible for the safety of this fortress. We should do our part in what happened today."
"Li Er ye don’t blame your brother too much."
Speaking, someone came in. It was Dong Fang!
city proper
As usual, people come and go here, passers-by are in a hurry, driven by life and can’t stop for a moment
On the contrary, those homeless people are more leisurely. They sit in the corner of the alley and lie in the shade, numb and look around.
Changed his clothes so that he wouldn’t look out of place with the city. Li Yezheng walked to the designated address of death.
He knew that passers-by and vagrants around here were actually soldiers pretending to be iron-walled soldiers.
There are many middle-ranking sublimation people, these are the backbone of the iron wall 3.
Dong Fang has laid a cloth here. tight encirclement wants death to fall into this trap as soon as it appears.
This is not what Li Ye wants to see.
Like he said, it’s too risky
If death is caught successfully, it will be fine, otherwise they will be poor in the future.
Just think about each other can not disturb the government all the situation to catch his eldest brother.
I threw an arm back in the living room.
Such means are unpredictable.
If such a person is determined to be an assassin, I am afraid that the Li family will never have a good night’s sleep.
In an instant, trading places arrived.
It’s an abandoned building
Li Ye pushed the door, which smelled damp and moldy.
A table is suddenly placed.
Li Ye took out the bearer card, set the table and left the room.
Take it. He’s done
Li Ye quickly left, far away from this street, and asked for a cup of bad wine in an obscure bar, drinking it absently.
Cup after cup.
Before you know it, it’s dark outside, and Li Ye still hasn’t heard from Dong Fang, which makes his heart feel like a big stone.
One minute passes by.
There was still no news from wei li until the bar was closed.
I can’t help it. Li Yehao spent the night in the city.
On the second day, Dong Fang finally joined him and said it was an iron wall monitoring. No suspicious people were found near the building for one night.
I’m afraid death broke his promise and asked Li Ye to retrieve the bearer card.
Li Ye greeted Dong Fang a hundred times in his heart. He was most worried that something had happened, even if death noticed that Dong Fang, these people were afraid to appear.
The Li family is in big trouble!
He crustily skin of head back to the small building and pushed the door.